A forum for international dialogue and collective action on artificial intelligence and
the rule of law
2024: The Sixth Edition
The Sixth Edition of The Athens Roundtable on AI and the Rule of Law took place on December 9, 2024, at the OECD Headquarters in Paris, France. The convening brought together more than 130 leading AI decision-makers in-person and over 800 online, with a focus on enhancing international coordination for accountability in AI governance.
5,500+ Participants
from over 130 countries have joined our dialogues.
180+ Speakers
representing various sectors, perspectives, and geographies.

“What have you done, what will you do, how will you do it, and by when will you do it, to make sure that we, the judges of the world, the custodians of your legal systems, the guardians of your rights and liberties, but ordinary citizens as well, can know when to trust and when to mistrust AI to advance justice, access to justice, and through the institution of the law, our shared humanist ideals? As Chico Buarque says, “quem espera nunca alcança,”—those who wait never reach.”
Isabela Ferrari
Federal Judge, Second Regional Federal Court (Rio de Janeiro), Brazil
"Three points should anchor the discussion around AI and the rule of law: the values of free and open societies, dynamic and flexible legal and regulatory frameworks and cross-Atlantic consensus."
Carl Bildt
Former Prime Minister and former Foreign Minister of Sweden
"The discussions we have today about how to regulate AI, will reverberate for generations to come. We are settings the rules for a technology, which has the potential to transform our society even more profoundly than the internet."
Representative Yvette D. Clarke
U.S. House of Representatives, Vice Chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee