Vilas Dhar
President, Patrick J. McGovern Foundation

Marija Pejčinović Burić
Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Lucilla Sioli
Director, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry, European Commission

Elham Tabassi
Chief of Staff, Information Technology Laboratory, United States National Institute of Standards and Technology

Richard Blumenthal
United States Senator

H.E. Prokopis Pavlopoulos
President of Greece, 2015-2020

Rep. Yvette D. Clarke
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives

Carl Bildt
Former Prime Minister of Sweden
Senior Advisor, Covington & Burling LLP

Konstantinos Karachalios
Managing Director, IEEE Standards Association

Tawfik Jellasi
Assistant Director-General for Communications and Information, UNESCO

Hon. Jerry McNerney
United States Representative, California,
Co-Chair, AI Caucus, US Congress

Miriam Vogel
President and CEO, EqualAI

Jan Kleijssen
Director, Information Society - Action against Crime, Council of Europe

Karine Perset
Head, Policy Observatory and Network of Experts, OECD.AI

Yoichi IIda
Deputy Director-General for G7/G20 Relations, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan

Francesca Rossi
IBM AI Ethics Global Leader, President of AAAI

Katherine B. Forrest
Partner, Cravath, Swaine & Moore, LLP
Former U.S District Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York

Dr. Clara Neppel
Senior Director, IEEE Europe

Brad Smith
President and Vice Chair,

Lee Tiedrich
Distinguished Faculty Fellow in Ethical Technology, Duke Initiative for Science & Society; Member of GPAI Multi-stakeholder Expert Group; Co-Chair of GPAI IP Subcommittee;
Member of GPAI AI & Climate Steering Committee and PETS Steering Committee

Kilian Gross
Head of Unit, Artificial Intelligence Policy Development and Coordination, DG CONNECT, The European Commission

Sasha Rubel
Public Policy Lead, AWS

Dr. Christos Dimas
Deputy Minister of Development and Investments, Hellenic Ministry

Merethe Eckhardt
Member, Working Group on the Quality of Justice, European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), Council of Europe

Paul Nemitz
Principal Adviser, Directorate General for Justice and Consumers, European Commission

Michael Fitzpatrick
Global Head of Regulatory Affairs, Google

Kay Firth-Butterfield
Head, Artificial Intelligence, Member of the Executive Committee, World Economic Forum; Member, Lord Chief Justice’s Advisory Panel on AI and Law; Member of Doughty Street Chambers and a Master of the Inner Temple, UK

Robert Silvers
Under Secretary for Policy, US Department of Homeland Security

Isabela Ferrari
Federal Judge, Second Regional Federal Court (Rio de Janeiro), Brazil

Hon. D.Y Chandrachud
Judge, Supreme Court of India

Sebastian Wieczorek
Vice President, Artificial Intelligence Technology, SAP

Lord Tim Clement-Jones
Member, UK House of Lords, Former Chair, House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, and Co-Chair All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence

Elizabeth Thomas Raynaud
Head of Secretariat, Global Partnership on AI (GPAI), OECD

V.K. Rajah
Chairman, Advisory Council on the Ethical Use of AI and Data, former Attorney-General, Singapore

Prateek Sibal
Programme Specialist, Digital Innovation and Transformation, UNESCO

Frank Torres
Director of Consumer Affairs, Senior Policy Counsel, Microsoft

Jim Shaughnessy
Executive Vice President, Head of Global Affairs, Workday

Alexandra Reeves Givens
President and CEO, Center for Democracy and Technology

Martin Hansen
Of Counsel, Covington & Burling LLP

David Engstrom
Associate Dean, Stanford University Law School

Marielza Oliveira
Director for Partnerships and Operational Programme Monitoring in the Communication and Information Sector, UNESCO

Freek Staehr
Senior Vice President, SAP Legal; Member, SAP AI Ethics Steering Committee

Daniel E. Ho
William Benjamin Scott and Luna M. Scott Professor of Law, Professor of Political Science, Stanford University; Associate Director, Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI)

Clementina Barbaro
Co-Secretary, Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI), Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law, Council of Europe

Hon. Benes Aldana
President, National Judicial College (United States)

Jochen an der Burgt
Head of Digital Risk Management, Daimler

Eva Kaili
Member of European Parliament
Chair of the Future of Science and Technology Panel (STOA)

Eileen Lach
Member of the Executive Committee, IEEE Global Initiative on the Ethics of A/I Systems

Bertrand Braunschweig
Interim Director, Paris Center of Excellence, Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence

Laura Galindo
OECD Artificial Intelligence Policy, OECD ONE AI Secretariat

Karen Silverman
CEO and Founder, The Cantellus Group

Avi Gesser
Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

David Hoffman
Associate General Counsel and Senior Director of Data Policy Strategy, Intel Corporation

Constant Kohler
Account Manager, Industry, Electrotechnology and ICT, CEN-CENELEC

John Tasioulas
Director, Oxford University Institute for Ethics in AI

Charina Chou
Global Policy Lead for Emerging Technologies, Google

Hon. Beverly Martin
Director, Center on Civil Justice at NYU School of Law

Michael Rubin
Partner, Latham and Watkins LLP

Benjamin S. Haley
Partner, Covington & Burling LLP

Geng Li
Global Director, Compliance, Anheuser-Bush InBev

Connie Brenton
Vice President, Law, Technology and Operations, NetApp

Amy Sellars
Assistant General Counsel and Director, Discovery Center of Excellence at Cardinal Health

Mimi Zou
Director of Studies in Law, Regent's Park College & PI, Deep Tech Dispute Resolution Lab, Oxford University

Darin Thompson
Legal Counsel, Ministry of Attorney General, British Columbia, Canada

Dr. Ulrike Till
Director, Division of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy, World Intellectual Property Organization

Dr. Jean-Marc Deltorn
Senior Researcher at the International Centre for the Study of Intellectual Property (CEIPI, University of Strasbourg)

Maura R. Grossman
Research Professor, School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo, Former Counsel, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz

Patrick Pennickx
Head of Information Society Department, Directorate General Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Council of Europe

Bruce Hedin
Principal Scientist, H5

Shawnna Hoffman Childress
Global Co-Leader, IBM Cognitive Legal Practice

Gabriele Mazzini
Team Leader - Artificial Intelligence policy & regulation, European Commission

Merve Hickok
CAIDP Chair of Board; Founder, AIethics

Helen Dodds
International lawyer, NED; Former Global Head of Legal, Dispute Resolution, Standard Chartered Bank

Peter Schildkraut
Technology, Media & Telecommunications Industry Group Co-Leader and Telecommunications, Internet & Media Partner, Arnold & Porter

Bruce Simpson
CEO, Stephen A. Schwarzman Foundation; Global Board Member, Human Rights Watch

Hon. Paul W. Grimm
District Judge, United States District Court for the District of Maryland

Sophia Adams Bhatti
Head of Strategy and Policy, Simmons Wavelength Limited, Former Director of legal and Regulatory Policy, The Law Society

Anthony Davis
Lecturer in Law, Columbia University

Werner Stengg
Digital Expert, Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, European Commission

Jeanna Neefe Matthews
Professor, Clarkson University/ Member, ACM Technology Policy Council

Cornelia Kutterer
Senior Director, European Government Affairs, Rule of Law & Responsible Tech at Microsoft

Renaud Vedel
French National AI Coordinator; Co-Chair GPAI Steering Committee

Michael Quartararo
President, Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists (ACEDS)

Justin Antonipillai
CEO, WireWheel; Former US Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for Foreign Affairs

Anna Gressel
Senior Commercial Litigation Associate, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

Yannick Meneceur
Magistrate (France), Head of Digital Development Unit and Advisor, Council of Europe’s Ad-Hoc Committee on AI (CAHAI)

Ina Ebert
Leading Expert Liability and Insurance Law, Munich Re

Dr Christina J. Colclough
Founder of the Why Not Lab
Outgoing Steering Committee Member for workers/trade unions, GPAI
Future of work Lead, UNI Global Union

Jim Pastore
Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP.

Julie Brickell
Executive Managing Director and General Counsel, H5; Lecturer, Law & Technology, Columbia University

Emily Frascaroli
Managing Counsel, Product Litigation, Ford Motor Company

Marc Rotenberg
President and Founder, Center for AI and Digital Policy

Manuel Muniz
Provost of IE University and Dean of IE School of Global and Public Affairs; Former Secretary of State for Global Spain, Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation

Ivan Fong
Executive Vice President, Chief Legal and Policy Officer and Secretary, 3M

Nadia Benaissa
Policy Advisor, Bits. of Freedom

Dirk Staudenmayer
Head of Unit for Contract Law of the Directorate - General Justice and Consumers, European Commission

David Siffert
Director of Research and Projects at New York University School of Law - Center on Civil Justice

Marco Bona
Co-founder and Senior Partner at MB.O.

Niki Iliadis
Director on AI and the Rule of Law, The Future Society

Nicolas Economou
Chair, Law & Society Initiative, The Future Society,
Chair, Law Committee, IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems

Mantalena Kaili
Executive Director, ELONtech - European Law Observatory on New Technologies

Nicolas Miailhe
President, The Future Society